Parc Nacional d`Aigüestortes. Passarel·la del Mirador de Sant Esperit

Pirineus (La Vall de Boí)

 Hearing impaired Wheelchair users People with reduced mobility  Visually impaired

Address: Parc Nacional d`Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici, s/n - Alta Ribagorça - La Vall de Boí (Lleida)
Tel.: (+34) 973 696 189    Fax: (+34) 973 696 154

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Distance: 100 metres (two-way walk on the same path).
Description: This short, very beautiful route leads to the Sant Esperit lookout, which offers a magnificent panoramic view over the Sant Nicolau riverbank. It is suitable for wheelchairs.

 Information confirmed by Agència Catalana de Turisme Specifications verified on-site for the Agencia Catalana de Turisme by accessibility consultants.